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Data Base Magic


SKU: d1beb7eab2c5 Category: Tags: ,


This product is inclusive  of ready made web site allowing you to resell this software instantly. Additional items such as graphics, marketing articles, promotional text and other items may also included with the package as well.

An Easy Solution for Creating and Backing Up and Restoring Cpanel Databases DATABASE MAGIC! Simply Type in a Database Name, Username and Password.

Click “Create Database” and Your Database will Automatically be Created. Easy to install, just upload few files to your domain. Then open your web browser and run it! Create a Database Back Up a Database Restore a Database You can now instantly create databases on your cpanel server.

Without ever having to log into your cpanel! You can decide the database name, username, and password… -OR- You can let the program generate them at random! (or even just some of them at random… you could make, for instance, just the password random) UNLIMITED USAGE You can use it on more than one of your cpanel domains!


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