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Link And Expand Your Biz


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Introducing ….. Link And Expand Your Biz ……

File : Personal Use Rights

Brief Note :


While LinkedIn has been growing steadily since 2009 the actual ‘face’ of LinkedIn was not as inviting as other social media sites. At one time people who used LinkedIn were strictly business owners and professionals.

Now all of that has changed with the emergence of other social sites including Facebook and Google +. LinkedIn needed to make some changes to adapt to the popularity of people using these types of sites to make business connections.

Well 2012 was definitely the year that changed the look and feel of LinkedIn. If you log into your account today you are met with a larger profile picture with your latest job posted under your name. Next to this is listed your state or province and your current job title.

This larger profile page makes your entire page more inviting and easier to read. At the top of your profile page will be a news feed which combines a mixture of a Facebook news feed and a Twitter feed. Here you simply update your status or share a relevant link.

If you haven’t used LinkedIn you may be surprised at how the site looks, compared to what you may have heard about them. With the increased use of social media it only makes sense for a company who at the end of 2012 had just reached 200 million members.

LinkedIn is still viewed as a professional social site that now makes connecting with other professionals that much easier.

Here is a quick overview of some of the changes that LinkedIn has made.

November 2012 – LinkedIn Events are no longer supported

January 2013 – LinkedIn Answers is no longer supported

This Online Marketing Personal Use ebook – Link And Expand Your Biz includes the following topics:

•The New and Improved LinkedIn

•Get Connected with LinkedIn

•Setting Up Your Profile Page

•Customizing Your Profile URL

•Profile Settings

•Your Home Page

•Skills and Expertise

•How to Use LinkedIn Effectively

•Managing Your Contacts and Connections

•Finding a Job on LinkedIn

•LinkedIn Companies

•Adding Your Own Company

•And much much more !


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