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Special Offer Manager


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DISCOVER!! How You – Or Anyone – Can Make More & More Money Online With Simple Yet Very Powerful Tool For Displaying Special Offers OR, One Time Offers On Your Website…

Use The Tool That Other Business Owners Are Using To Make Up To A
70% Conversion On Their Offers.
Give visitors to your website the incentive to follow your BUY TODAY promt, with a DEADLINE DATE, that changes automatically, each and every day OR a ONE TIME OFFER that automatically expires on the next visit!
Dear Internet Marketer,
I’m going to cut through all the sales crap with you right now! I can’t possibly give you all the answers, but what I can do is give you a complete system that is legit, easy to use, and easy to learn to use that can help you start making money today…
“Special Offer Manager”
Special Offer Manager is a cool way to boost conversions. The one challenge that every marketer faces is getting visitors enticed to buy while at the sales page.
Well, here’s a really innovative way to add urgency that can get fence sitters to buy YOUR products – all while adding a real incentive for your customers.
Imagine searching the web for the product or service you need. Your favorite site or search engine locates just what you wanted, and you visit the page. As you read the details, you come across a message that says you have ‘XXX’ time to act on their special offer or a very special one time offer, for the product you want!! Well, it’s act now or loose out a “humdinger” of a deal. So, you buy now! You leave the page, content that you happened upon a sale that only had limited time to go.
Well, that’s great that you’re happy with your purchase. Didn’t you find it to be incredible that you stumbled across that sale, before it ran out? This system has proven to be effective, time after time! And now, thanks to “Special Offer Manager”, you can have the very same effect for your own product or services.
How Can Special Offer Manager Help & What Can It Do For You?
Create time limited special offers for your website visitors.
Ability to rotate unlimited offers or only use for single offer.
Since your customers never see your Special Offer or One Time Offer after it exires, they will have to buy through your regular offer further establishing your credibility. Gain reputation as a person that means what they say and says what they mean.
Your subscribers will know you mean it when you say Special Offer, causing Urgency resulting in more Profits!
No ploy, no gimmick. The real deal. It’s a fact and Now they will believe it and take you up on your next Special Offer for fear of missing out!
Make more money by redirecting them to Affiliate Money Pages!
Tracks user by IP and cookies!
And Much Much More…


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