Introducing … The Art Of Meditation …
File : Master Resell Rights
Brief Note :
If you think that you are performing at a substandard level in any area of your life, it’s very easy to just blow it off!
It really is! It’s very easy to think of it as another bad day or a series of bad days. It’s tempting to think that you’re just going to get out from the under, whatever it is that’s holding you back and things will go back to normal.
Unfortunately, your definition of ‘normal’ starts to slide and can you end up settling for less than optimal existence.
You get used to frustration. It’s easy to get accustomed to a lot of disappointments.
Sooner, rather than later you let go of your earlier ideals and you just settle for a life that’s really not worth living!
That’s really quite far from the kind of life you’d like for yourself.
Sadly, by that point, you feel like you really can’t do much of anything.
You need a reboot.
You need to know when to perform a personal reboot, so you can get your life back on track. Otherwise, it’s too easy for this pattern to play out in your life, and you end up frustrated, stressed out and powerless at some level or another.
You deserve so much more!
More details are discussed in this ebook …
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