Through the knowledge gained on child development, the parent will be able to help the child when things are not going as it should be or it will allow the parent to pull back if they are expecting too much from the child at any given stage.
Childhood Mental State
$4.95 The ideal good mental health condition would be where the child is able to think clearly in social settings and learn new skills to adapt to the surrounding needs of the time and to also be comfortable with developing his or her own self confidence, high self esteem and an emotionally healthy outlook in life.
College life is a new chapter that every individual must face. After all the sacrifices throughout your high school life, choosing a community college is the next step you should take into consideration.
Choosing Right PreSchool
$2.95 Parents should not hesitate to consider the requests and desires of their children while preparing for an upcoming opening in a preschool.
Control College Debts
$3.95 Keep close track of your spending to make certain your money is being spent the way you want it to be used. Tracking the money you spend forces you to consider where your money is going and shows you where adjustments should be made, resulting in more efficient use of your money and smarter spending habits.
Create Child Confidence
$4.95 The following book will provide you with some helpful information on the importance of building self-confidence and ways in which to do so. Make sure to pay close attention and take in all the information and building your child’s confidence will be a much easier task.
Drivers Safety First
$2.95 One of the best things that the drivers and other consumers can expect from the alternative fuels in the market nowadays is the fact that it can help them to maintain the good performance and excellent fuel efficiency of their vehicles for several years.
Eco Friendly Home
$2.95 Being an environmentally conscious doesn’t require much effort or investment. If you like to do your share but don’t know where to start, your main goal is to create a perfect green home.
Saving Your Marriage
$3.95 Read on- and find the all-important keys to a happy marriage that will last for a lifetime!
Secrets Good Habits
$2.95 This guide allows you to understand how to create good habits. So, continue reading and be ready for a big change!
Senior High Society
$3.95 A student like you can learn how to establish friendships and relate socially with children and adults while you are at the school. Unfortunately, social expectations and friendships usually trigger stress to teenagers especially to a student who faces social problems. Typical social problems that often take place inside the schools are peer pressure, cliques and bullying.