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The Yoga Guidebook


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Introducing … The Yoga Guidebook …

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Brief Note :

Yoga, it’s the magic word, which has guided humans all over the world towards better health, peace of mind and even prosperity.

Yoga has the power to transform one’s life and takes the person to an amazing feeling of serenity and calmness. Not many are aware of the powers of yoga and the asana recommended by this unique therapeutic science.

There are also many who don’t even know what yoga is and have their own notions about it based on what they have heard or seen.

Before you start practicing yoga, it’s important to understand what it means and its basic facts.

This will make sure you imbibe the goodness of yoga into your soul and are able to practice this science in the perfect way so as to gain maximum benefits.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Yoga”?

Well, you may think of some images of women in a few seemingly impossible poses. If this is what you think yoga is all about, then you may just have an inkling of this amazing science. And yes, that’s it – just inkling. You got to go a long way before fully understanding Yoga.

This book will focus on the following:

– Reasons you should practice yoga
– Benefits derived
– Yoga poses and the mistakes to avoid

It’s my firm belief that it will provide you with all the answers to your questions.

Full details are discussed in this ebook …


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