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Web Pro Poll


SKU: 49da033ffcdc Category: Tags: ,


This product include of full web site allowing you to sell this product instantly. This product also includes of all other material such as psd files, marketing letter, videos, advertisement text, ready made email letter, articles for use to submit to articles directory, ready made description for submission to web directory, promotional text and many more.

Subscriber Special – Limited Time Offer
Master Resell Rights Included
Get access to the only information guaranteed to make you more money online …
“Now You Can Create Hot Selling Products
Over & Over Again No Matter What Niche
You Are In – Using A Proven System That
Simply Cannot Fail – Guaranteed!”
Finally An Easy Way To Completely
Take The Guesswork Out Of Selling Online!
Order Now & Get an Instant Upgrade to Master
Resale Rights… Included For A Limited Time!
Dear Marketer,
It’s easy to get rich online!  All you have to do is provide good content that people want!
I think it was John Reese who said something to that affect, whoever it was said it, I agree with them 100%!
But how are you supposed to know what it is people are looking for?  Too often companies waste a lot of time and money developing products they think people are going to love.  They may as well be flushing money down the toilet if they don’t first conduct some basic market research.
Asking your prospects opinion is the only sure fire way to guarantee you’re not wasting time and money developing products and content.  When looking for a simple system I could use to conduct my own surveys online, I found that every solution available suffered from one or more of the following flaws…
Ongoing Fees – Costly monthly or yearly fees to keep your surveys online.
Limited Responses – Only allowing you to view the results of a limited number of responses.
Limited Campaigns – Only allowing you to have a limited number of surveys online at any given time.
High Ticket Price – Any that don’t charge monthly fees can cost upwards of $147
So I set out to create a simple but powerful solution, and I think I’ve done just that…
Introducing The Brand New…
‘Web Poll Pro’
Web Poll Pro is a fully featured professional online survey script with the same power and functionality of the high ticket and monthly fee survey solutions.  It is coded in php with a robust database driven backend, meaning it is very dependable.
Once installed it will take less than one minute to publish your first survey online.
This is easy to do, only takes 30 seconds and full directions are provided.
Here are just some of the features you get with
the powerful ‘Web Poll Pro’ survey system!
Add a survey to any one of your websites in a matter of minutes!
Customize the look and feel of your survey to match your site design.
Allows you to set multiple question types!
Optionally capture the name and email address of every survey respondant!
Choose whether you want to allow only one set of responses per person or multiple!
Choose whether to allow others to view the responses to the survey or keep the results to yourself.
Forward all survey respondants to any webpage you choose. (Great for offering a free gift).
Powerful response overview options.
Text response analyzer which lists the most popular phrases your respondants use. This enables you to instantly identify popular trends and concerns at a glance!
Plus much much more….


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