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Gift Manager Pro


SKU: ee9bc867cf96 Category: Tags: ,


This product comes with fully readymade web site. This readymade web site comes with all the contents that one requires to publish the site to sell the product. These web sites are designed by professional and have been optimized with marketing text to ensure sales maximization.

Get Organized With ‘Gift Manager Pro’

A Gift Managing Script Every JV Giveaway Contributor Needs

Dear Fellow Marketer

JV Giveaways are a hit. If you want to build a a mailing list fast, they’re the way to go!
But with the ever growing number of giveaways, it becomes harder and harder to keep track of all your contributions, and their results…
If you haven’t got an extensive database system for your gifts, you will lose.

And here’s where Gift Manager Pro comes in….

With ‘Gift Manager Pro’ You Can Keep Track Of Every Contribution
To Every Single Giveaway!


Predefined database tables so you can start storing information about your contributions instantly.

Store info about the giveaways, your gift, your OTO,… Analyze results by taking note of number of referrals, subscribers and conversion rates.

Incredibly powerful search function that enables you to seek and find your data by any field.

List/view/edit every single field with just one click.

It’s So Easy, Anyone Can Do It!

Maybe the best part of this revolutionary tool is that you don’t need any database experience at all to be able to create a gift-database that fits your needs! If you’re server supports PHP, then you are all set to go.

Conversion rates, ranking, number of referrals, … YOU Name it.
Any information that you want to manage and organize
can easily be at your finger tips.


Never again miss a step when building your gift-website!
That’s the way to maximize your profits!

Obviously your going to have a hard time trying to find a script like this because the truth is: There Are None Like It.


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